This is probably one of the most delicate topics that any human being can talk or write about. For centuries, people have fought and killed in the name of God, mainly because they believe that their religion is right. But who is to say, who is right and who is wrong?
I was raised Muslim and of course like many religions out there, I was told that Islam is the right religion. And I know Christians say the same thing about their religion, Jews about theirs and so on and so forth. So we've come to an agreement that most religious think they are right and are the chosen ones. At least we got that point down.
But the question becomes, "If we all believe (for those who do) that there is only one God, how in the world did that One God send down multiple religions and end up confusing the hell out of people?" I'm not being blasphemous, but honest. Why would a one and Almighty God end up wanting people to believe in different religions, yet have each specific religion claim to be the chosen path for guidance and salvation (both on Earth and the Hereafter)? That is what doesn't make sense to me. Thus far, I do believe in One God, but I am coming to the understanding that religions were created by people. I believe they were created in order to make people do good or be good, knowing that humans are sinful by nature. Thus, religion is a fear tactic, just like law enforcement was created to pin down people and keep things in order, since people will NOT voluntarily create the order. So when the Greeks thought, "People are just nuts, we need to control them a little," that is how law-enforcement eventually came about. People were known to be evil and they needed to be pinned down. It makes sense, even today.
So that we don't go too astray and get off topic, let's bring this back to the premise of religion. If the Greeks and Romans thought that humans were naturally evil or needed to be controlled (at a time when many religions didn't exist yet), then I wouldn't be surprised how more religions eventually evolved later on in the years that came. I mean, since we're at me something important that wasn't created by humans: Names of the days of the week, names of months, the number of days in the week and month, Thanksgiving Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Sweetest Day...language was even created!! So the list is short from ending. So if all these things and events were created by humans, then what makes me believe that religions weren't created by humans as well? I'm assuming this because humans want power and they love to control. So what do people do when there's a strong religion, you create a stronger one...and that's exactly what happened throughout the years. How else do you think most of the religions share the same elements in beliefs, but only have a different way of expressing it and on different times of the year? I believe a loving and straightforward God would NOT send down anything to confuse people. People (I think) confused themselves. More to come in Part II.
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