Thursday, March 29, 2012

Let's talk about religion: Part I

This is probably one of the most delicate topics that any human being can talk or write about.  For centuries, people have fought and killed in the name of God, mainly because they believe that their religion is right.  But who is to say, who is right and who is wrong?

I was raised Muslim and of course like many religions out there, I was told that Islam is the right religion.  And I know Christians say the same thing about their religion, Jews about theirs and so on and so forth.  So we've come to an agreement that most religious think they are right and are the chosen ones.  At least we got that point down.

But the question becomes, "If we all believe (for those who do) that there is only one God, how in the world did that One God send down multiple religions and end up confusing the hell out of people?"  I'm not being blasphemous, but honest.  Why would a one and Almighty God end up wanting people to believe in different religions, yet have each specific religion claim to be the chosen path for guidance and salvation (both on Earth and the Hereafter)?  That is what doesn't make sense to me.  Thus far, I do believe in One God, but I am coming to the understanding that religions were created by people.  I believe they were created in order to make people do good or be good, knowing that humans are sinful by nature.  Thus, religion is a fear tactic, just like law enforcement was created to pin down people and keep things in order, since people will NOT voluntarily create the order.  So when the Greeks thought, "People are just nuts, we need to control them a little," that is how law-enforcement eventually came about.  People were known to be evil and they needed to be pinned down.  It makes sense, even today.

So that we don't go too astray and get off topic, let's bring this back to the premise of religion.  If the Greeks and Romans thought that humans were naturally evil or needed to be controlled (at a time when many religions didn't exist yet), then I wouldn't be surprised how more religions eventually evolved later on in the years that came.  I mean, since we're at me something important that wasn't created by humans: Names of the days of the week, names of months, the number of days in the week and month, Thanksgiving Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Sweetest Day...language was even created!!  So the list is short from ending.  So if all these things and events were created by humans, then what makes me believe that religions weren't created by humans as well?  I'm assuming this because humans want power and they love to control.  So what do people do when there's a strong religion, you create a stronger one...and that's exactly what happened throughout the years.  How else do you think most of the religions share the same elements in beliefs, but only have a different way of expressing it and on different times of the year?  I believe a loving and straightforward God would NOT send down anything to confuse people.  People (I think) confused themselves.  More to come in Part II.   

Saturday, March 24, 2012


It was my fault for not writing this post last night, b/c I tossed and turned all night long.  I value and respect the art of writing so much that if I have something to say and don't say it right then and there, I don’t sleep well.

I was looking back at my life and the life of people I know, and I'm sure many can agree that some people do not belong in your life (not then and definitely not now).  I'm not being mean, unforgiving or nasty...I'm just being myself and speaking from the gut.  Nothing bothers me more than those who want to be a part of your life when you look like you have it together.  So we all raise the questions: Where were you when I had no money?  Where were you when I needed help?  Where were you when I was lost and you were there watching?  Where were you?  Where the hell were you? 

So I get it.  I get it when people shun others away and find it to be the toughest task in the world to re-welcome them back into their lives.  Who are you to take part in my laughter when you never asked why I was crying?  Who are you to accompany me when you were ashamed to be next to me?  And who are you to talk to me now when you were busy talking to others about me than?

So I get it.  Obviously, if you're not there when the pieces are broken, then you sure don't deserve to be there when the picture is complete.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Kim Kardashian gets "Floured."

I get nothing from the Kardashian family, especially not from Kim.  Thus, I do not defend in favor.  However, I am very fair and base things on logic (no more, no less).

So many people were happy (in a sickening way) after knowing that Kim Kardashian had flour thrown at her at a West Hollywood hotel while promoting her new fragrance.  That's disturbing and here's why:

1) Some are saying that Kim Kardashian does not know how to deal with public scrutiny since she's a public figure.  Uh...this has NOTHING to do with her being a public figure and not knowing how to deal with the scrutiny.  Scrutiny?  Really?  This became a physical matter. 

2) Even though it was just flour, other stars and/or public figures were not that lucky.  Some people had acid thrown at their face.

3) For people to do such acts and not even know each other, makes the act even more disturbing (at least in my eyes). 

To sum it up, whoever did that to Kim was amateur, foolish and made NO point...and they are VERY lucky that she chose not to hold any charges against them.  Lucky for Kim, first of all, and extra lucky for the idiot who did this.  P.S. If you really wanted a KKollection purse, you should've asked. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I am definitely not a bitter person.  I truly and wholeheartedly believe that everything happens for a reason, but it doesn't mean that life forgets about you.

I've had so many odd jobs in my lifetime that I cannot even count the times people had done me wrong.  Once I worked at a hotel that underpaid me and overworked me, leaving me with the impression that garbage had more worth than me.  I endured and had to fight back for every little right that I had, but I had to leave.  And after I left, so did all the good workers who knew their worth early.  Shortly after that, the hotel filed bankruptcy 2x in less than one year.  The one location I was a part of, did not know how to handle matters.  So I heard.   

I remember working for a restaurant as a college student and having to quit after 7 days, because I was being mistreated.  The job I really wanted wasn’t given to me, because “I didn’t have enough experience.”  However, the young lady who knew NO English was hired (obviously since she was from their specific Middle Eastern country).  For every time I picked up a dirty plate, I would look at the overly decked-out manager and say, “I hope God never forgives you.”  Years later, I walk into a Middle Eastern grocery store and there she was: Haggard, disheveled, and shy and inquiring about jobs.  I left and as I shook my head, I felt my stomach twist in anger for some odd reason.  After all, it had been years since I even thought about her,  but I wasn’t sure why I got so mad, even after seeing her at her worse.  Although that was the very last time I ever saw her again.   

Even into my post-college years, I still gave chance another chance.  I spent so much money on airline tickets and hotels for job interviews and career workshops.  One interview was at a local TV station in a New York suburb, less than 45 minutes away from Buffalo.  I liked them, they liked me…yet nothing made sense.  I talked to the couple who owned the small station and they said they’d get back to me.  After my professional and tasteful follow-ups, they never did.  Two years later, I read an online news article that went something like this: “Tragedy at local TV station.”  It turned out that the same man I talked to, beheaded his wife at the station for filing for divorce.  The same night I read that news, I thanked God that I never got that job.    

And as I fast-forward time even more, I obviously recall the afternoon I had the chance to sit in front-row on one of Oprah Winfrey’s last shows in Chicago.  I met her and talked to her and said, “Oprah, I’d love to be a part of OWN…I even applied over a week ago, way before I even knew I was coming today.”  She didn’t care much for me.  Apparently, America doesn’t either.

Who am I to say that every one of my prayers got answered?  I’m not even saying that the people who didn’t care for me and/or didn’t treat me well even remember me in their time of weakness.  However, isn’t it interesting how at some point in time in your life, you are bound to go back to the same point you started from?  You are bound to see the person who hurt you, you are bound to hear about your heartbreaker’s torment and you are bound to know that all of that had to happen. 

Even if the entire world decided not to believe, I prefer to be the last and only person to declare that “There is a God and He is Good.”  I do not believe that in the midst of my experiences, that there wasn’t divine intervention involved.  There was more than that…things that I may never know about.  And isn’t it interesting.          

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dental Debacle

The cause of a 4-hour Dental Debacle:  Stupid Girl at American Dental: “It’ll be $90 for the cleaning and $60 for the X-rays.”  Me: You told me over the phone its $90 for the cleaning (not a problem), but free exam.  Stupid Girl: Oh, ok…so you want the exam and x-rays for free today? Me: Uh, yeah.  (30 minutes pass by after I’m done w/my x-rays and taken to the dental cleaning room looking all comfy).  Stupid x-ray lady: I’m sorry sir, you put down you had Rheumatic Fever and we won’t clean your teeth unless we have consent that it’s safe.  Me: I had my teeth cleaned 3-4 times since I had Rheumatic Fever, I’m fine.  Stupid x-ray lady: We’ll need something from your doctor then.  Me: I don’t have time; I want my teeth cleaned today.  (We go back to the stupid girl at the front desk).  Stupid Girl: They can fax us something saying it’s safe to clean your teeth.  Me: All I can do is fax over a letter from the previous dentist that they knew about this and it was safe to clean my teeth.  (I call and the smart lady says: That’s foolish…you don’t even need to be pre-medicated for that, but I’ll fax what we’ve done).  Stupid Girl: That’s not enough, this doesn’t help us.  Stupid doctor comes out: I’m sorry, I can’t do anything…this involves your heart.  Me: I told you and to them (multiple times) that I had my teeth cleaned 3-4 times and I can fax over proof that I had work done way after having Rheumatic Fever.  Stupid Doctor: We need consent from your doctor who diagnosed you.  Me: (with the nastiest look on my face): Oh, you want a fax from the doctor in Sylmar, California who saw me 3 years ago?  That’s not going to happen.  He doesn’t have time for that and neither do I.         

P.S. Sears Dental (opposite end of the mall) was more than happy to take me and my Rheumatic ass right on the spot.  They were $11 cheaper and offered free whitening.  And they say why people go on rampages.